Joe Quesada Is Out at Marvel Comics

About time. No one in comics will miss you Joe.
A while back I had noted that when Geoff Morrell left Disney, and everyone was (for some silly ass reason) declaring that he got fired. Only I and WDWPro were saying that he quit. We were saying that for the same reason.
His departing statement didn’t look anything like what you would expect to see from someone getting fired from Disney. Getting fired from Disney if you are a senior executive is a super good deal. You don’t get a Golden Parachute, you get a Diamond Parachute. If Disney breaks it contract with you then you are set for life.
Morrell’s departing statement is the kind of thing you don’t want to hear if you are interviewing a job applicant and you just asked the standard question, “why did you leave your last company?”
He actually said the real reason he was leaving Disney and said the magic words, “it was a bad fit.” In corporate speak this means the company was dicked up eighty ways from sunrise.
But Quesada’s departure is exactly the kind of thing I would absolutely expect to see if he was awarded the order of the Golden Boot. A flowery if out of the blue letter announcing his sudden interrest in pursuing new opportunities elsewhere. An out pouring of support for this departing senior employee from all the rest of the executive staff at Marvel to include Kevin Fiege himself. And all of them sounding like something the public relations office wrote up.
I can’t state definetively that Joe Quesada was fired. But it damn well smells like it.