Daniel Cherry Hits the Silk

Apparently, it’s mission accomplished for DC Comics brand manager Daniel Cherry III.
He is outta here!!
The big boss of DC Comics is moving on to other things, walking away from the smoldering wreckage of the brand he flew into the ground at full speed, in his wake.
His tenure will be remembered as being unique in comics history. There will be endless debates over who was the best publisher in comics history. But there will be no such discussion over who was the worst. Daniel Cherry III.
Just a reminder here is some the all time classics that were introduced during his run at DC

And of course

One of the key leadership figures at the comic/media company DC, Daniel Cherry III, has left the WarnerMedia subsidiary after just 16 months, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Cherry, who was hired in September 2020 for the newly-created position of General Manager (a senior VP level role), is reported to be “quitting” on his own volition.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cherry was hired to “future-proof” DC and to increase the company’s global reach.
Previous to DC, Cherry was the chief marketing officer for Activision Blizzard.
He came to DC Comics with the intention of doing for them what he had done for Blizzard?! If so then mission accompished. Cherry’s is an unparelled record of non-achievement.
Although, if I was the chairman of a major corporaion, I would regard the hiring of Daniel Cherry as more immenient sign of impending death than any plague spot and dump my shares as soon as possible.
In case you are wondering who would be crazy enough to hire him? It’s Kanye West.
No. Seriously it is.
Okay, I’m done here.