If You Were Wondering How They Would Screw Up Dune…

Wonder no more!
This is a quote from Dune’s director regarding, the second Dune movie which hasn’t been shot yet.
“I can’t wait to shoot the second part of Dune to get [Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya] back together. Knowing that in the next chapter Zendaya will be the protagonist of the story.“
There you go. Straight from the mouth of Denis Villeneuve himself.
Freaking Chani is going to be the star of the next movie. How can they do that? You ask in horror and disbelief. Well, there are any number of ways and they are all terrible.
Don’t be surprised if she ends up fighting Feyd and becoming the Kwisatz Haderach. It was after all always supposed to be a woman-child. And that bastard Paul appropriated it. If you are a Tumblrina feminist this sets many wrongs to right.
Please let me be wrong about this.
I will be absolutely delighted to be wrong about this.