It’s Time For Marvel to Abandon the Punisher

The Punisher Log has now been officially declared “Transracisthomophobic.”
“The seditionists that invaded the Capitol today wore a Punisher logo. I say @marvel needs to either aggressively enforce their trademark so it isn’t printed everywhere or abandon the Punisher completely. You can’t allow your characters to be used by terrorists. — ComicTropes (@CTropes) January 7, 2021“
I can’t believe the words that are about to flow out of my fingers but I for one support ComicTropes, (whatever the hell they are?), in this position.
Yes, it is absolutely time for Marvel to abandon it entirely. It is not compatible with Marvel’s Looney Left corporate image. Nor can it ever be “taken back” because no one on Earth could look at an SJW wearing a punisher logo and not fall down laughing. My favorite was ineffectual effort by Marvel was when they had the Punisher threatening the cops who used his symbol.
Favored by police, soldiers and seditionists alike, Marvel can no longer be associated with either the logo or the character without losing their credibility as far Left nut bags.
Punisher belongs to the Right.
And I can think of one comic book publisher who would be delighted to take him off Marvel’s hands. The company even has a guy who says, he thinks he can do “something” with the character.
