Monthly Archives - January 2021

WandaVision: Did This Actually Get Good?

In the last episode we saw Wanda’s friend, “Geraldine.” Thrown out of West View and into a modern Field Joint Ops Center.   This is the first episode where we aren’t seeing an American family sitcom from decades past.  Instead, we get our first view from the other side.  It turns out that there is a town named West View but now anyone with a memory of it, has selective amnesia regarding everything to do with the town.  Monic Rambeau (Geraldine) is now an Agent...


Popculture Deathcart: GameStop

I’m smelling Tulips. As of this writing, GameStop stock is trading at $320.  This is actually crazier than Disney’s drastically inflated stock price.  Yesterday, an acquaintance of mine asked, “how do you profit off this situation at this point?” My answer was, “You don’t.  This is Tulip Fever.  The guys that were going to make a killing off this have already bailed.” For those of you wondering what Tulip Fever is:  In the mid 1500s Tulips were first imported from Turkey.  They were a bit on the rare side...


Kong Vs. Godzilla (Part Two of Two)

How can something so wrong, feel so right? In 1975 a poll was conducted on the average American.  Name the most famous Japanese person you know.  The number one answer was Godzilla.  In case you are wondering, number two was Bruce Lee and number three was Hirohito.   Interesting choices since none of them are Japanese.   Emperor Hirohito came closest but there is a huge legal question mark over whether or not the royal family of Nippon is in fact, Japanese citizens. They don’t have the...


Sci-Fi And The Dangers of Technological Overreach

Yesterday I released a new sci-fi dystopia comic, AI Wars #1. Below is an in-depth look behind the setting which will make the read far more enjoyable! Technology's imminent danger to technology has been a sci-fi theme dating back to the earliest of stories. Bradbury, Asmiov, Ellison, and more all had stories warning us of what happens when humanity becomes overly-reliant on technology, but it's also gone through comics as well. OMAC by Jack Kirby stands for "One Man Army...


Light of the Jedi: If You Buy This It’s All On You

I admit it, I love the name. The first sentence of the prelude would give pause to any Star Wars fan. "The Force is with the Galaxy." On the off chance, you think this book might have sold because Light of the Jedi was well written, I present you the opening paragraphs of the first chapter:              Three hours to Impact             All is well.             Captain Hedda Casset reviewed the readout and displays built into her command chair for the second time. She always went over them...


High Republic “Best Seller”

His total conviction caught my attention. Author Charles Soule or be more precise “Star Wars Author” Charles Soule, it is a distinct subcategory after all. Announced on Twitter last week that his book, “LIGHT OF THE JEDI will debut at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.” And, yes, this was before his book had sold a single copy. This didn’t seem to be like the usual cheerleading a trad-pub author is supposed to do for himself before a book launch.  This...


The Superheroic Virtues: Justice

The broken people of Alta California trudge dejected through the roads of the sleepy pueblo called Los Angeles. Two soldiers of the Alcalde march through the streets, one of them beating a relentless staccato rhythm on his drum.  Each tap of the drumstick, each fall of the foot serving to remind the peons of their status as a crushed people. The soldiers march through the dusty streets unafraid.  These people… These cattle have nothing left in them.  They exist from day to day only to...


Blogs and Ends: The Slow News Day Edition

Very slow news cycle in popculture at the moment.  January is usually a slow month for this kind of stuff as it is but January in the middle of a “plague” is glacial.  Also, I am exceptionally busy today. But fear not beloved readers.  The Dark Herald has not abandoned you… Completely. Here is a roundup of some items that weren’t in-depth enough to rate separate posts of their own. FIRST Star Wars the High Republic Shorts This is low rent.   I know I just did a huge three...


The Dark Herald Recommends: The Death of Stalin a Comedy of Terrors

NOTE: In the mood for a dark laugh? I know I am and I've got you covered. REPOST: The Left never lies about what it really wants. Oh sure, they lie about everything else but when they state their ultimate objectives, those are promises cut in stone, no matter how insane they sound. The staff of the National Cuckshed and the Bulwank try to make unfunny jokes about them but the problem is, the Left ain’t joking. Thirty years ago, they weren’t joking...


WandaVision: First Impressions

This is not a review.  I’ll have to finish the first season before I can do a proper The Dark Herald Recommends. This show is very definitely an odd duck. In principle, I like those.  We will have to see how this goes in practice. The first episode starts off as a 1950s family sitcom.  To include the style and tropes of shows like I Love Lucy and I Married Joan. The show is naturally in black and white. Vision and Wanda are living an idyllic...