
First Impressions: Black Adam

Prepare yourself for a shock The critics are lying through their teeth. Black Adam is excellent. Although the reason why the critics are lying is the really important issue here. Everyone is assuming they are trying to punish David Zaslav for shutting down various Woke projects at Warner Brothers. But I strongly suspect that the real reason it's getting a bunch of bad reviews is that Black Adam is a nationalist movie. It's an accidental nationalist movie. I'm quite sure it was trying to...


Walter Hamada Is Done

Today in completely expected news. Walter Hamada has been fired as the head of DC films. I was wondering why Zaslav hadn't axed him yet. Now I know. Black Adam is going to underperform. Either the shill media hasn't been paid enough to give good reviews or they are mad enough at David Zaslav to not care about reprucsussions... This time. Walter Hamada was clearly hired in a panic.   He was a producer at Warner’s subsidiary New Line Cinema for ten...


Blogs and Ends: Special Edition

FIRST https://twitter.com/InterestingPot/status/1579003282965815296?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1579003282965815296%7Ctwgr%5Ee5100cd033fa42b46c3b064af02a603d42ff676a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F That kid is going to have the best graduation video. NEXT Disney is trapped by its own Woke culture.  There is a rumor running around that I would grade at a “B” for reliability, that Storm from the X-Men is going to be spliced into Wakanda Forever. Why the late addition? Well, the problem Disney has right now is that Marvel has killed another cash cow with Black Panther. Apparently, that decision had been made even before Chadwick Boseman’s condition was known to the company.  Disney Marvel...


Avoid Like the Plague – Amazon’s Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Antithesis /anˈtiTHəsəs/  Noun   Definition – : the direct opposite.  (1): the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in "action, not words" or "they promised freedom and provided slavery") (2):  OPPOSITION, CONTRAST the antithesis of prose and verse.  The second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted (3): philosophy : the second stage of a dialectical process Example: Amazon’s the Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power is the very antithesis of every aspect of the author J.R.R Tolkien’s complete...


RE:Play Clive Barker’s Undying

"[Undying]'s a dark fantasy with lots of levels, lots of realities in it. It's not horror in the sense of Hellraiser. It's horror which is very bloody, very graphic, with plenty of monsters, no question; but also a big adventure level in it. There is the sense, as you are visiting different dimensions and alien cities, that a monster in an alien city is a different thing than a monster sitting in your kitchen sink!” – Clive Barker Clive Barker isn’t...


Red Sonja Looks Promising

I capped this from star Mathilda Lutz's Instagram. It looks like this is actually being made which I find astonishing. Red Sonja has been in development hell for better than 15 years. It might be something even if the director wasn't quite was I hoping for. From my first post on the subject: I had long since abandoned all hope for that project.  It was clearly and obviously going to be dripping with Woke.  One of the writers was Tasha Huo, whose only credit...


How Much Interest is There in Rings of Power?

Intriguing question. Amazon is claiming they are mopping the floor with everyone thanks to their Tolkien fan fiction. Particularly HBOmax's House of the Dragon. But are they? Well, there is no question of this if you ask the shill media. Variety and Hollywood Reporter were positively crowing over numbers that Amazon released that proved. PROVED mind you that more people saw The Rings of Power than the House of the Dragon. Except they didn't prove anything of the kind. ...


Blogs and Ends: The Return of Dare Devil

FIRST Charlie Cox's Daredevil was the best Marvel series ever.* Sadly it was on Netflix, so three seasons were it. And Netflix always puts a rider on every show they buy that no one can use this property for three years after they cancel it. This usually means that done on Netflix, means done for good. However, Disney was willing to outwait the lockout period to get their properties back. And this is what they did with him. There was a...


Rings of Power Episode 7: Amazon Buys Swampland In Mirkwood

Oh, this is super promising they’ve started this week’s episode by ripping off Lost. The show opens with a close-up of Galadriel opening one eye that is covered in volcanic ash, the camera pulls back as she struggles to her feet. Did you know that Middle Earth volcanic ash is made entirely of Cheeto dust? Because that is what everything on screen looks like.   Freaking. Cheeto. Dust. Considering that she was bodychecked with a Pyroclastic flow last week, she’s a lot more active...


Is Clark Kent Going Gay?

Our entire species is going to be extinct after all. Well done Nancyboy. REPOST: Superman: Son of Kal-El has been canceled at issue #18. This is a first for DC. A comic book with "Superman" in the title has been shitcanned. This post was from August of 2021. Where I looked at DC's need for a new Superman. However, the fundamental problem is that that ultimate aspirational American is now in a world where the...