The Thread is Cut

Four years in the making and Disney’s Star Wars: The Acolyte is scrapped.
I reported on it briefly last night and I figured that was all that would needed on the subject. However, there are people who seem to be genuinely upset by this. I could understand Lesley Headland and her crew being down in the dumps but these are people who aren’t paid by Disney, I know that because Disney wouldn’t throw money to shills for a failed product that is probably headed to the Iron Vault of Tax Write-offs by the end of the next fiscal year.
I’ll grant the actor playing Smylo Ren had more reason than most to be upset.
Today was his birthday.
I assure you it isn’t worth it.
Are you kidding me? Disney doesn’t have the money to a competently executed bad job on papering over Splash Mountain. The day of $200 million shows on Disney + is over. The entire model was always a terrible idea.
Quite a lot of the complaints seem to be from the women who are furious they won’t be seeing The Shirtless Sith Thirst-Trap anymore. Most of them seem to be posting clips from other shows to declare their emotional impairment. Rather than clips from The Acolyte, not that I can blame them. This is a show that will do much better in memory than it ever did on streaming.
Acolyte Simps are mostly screaming at people like me, who said very mean things about it. Like we have the power to get things canceled at Disney.
If I have that kind of power over Disney why does Bob Iger still have a job?
Mind you, there is about a fifty/fifty split showing up in my feel. The other half are like this”
I myself am much more upset about Disney sending Earth to Ned down to the Iron Vault of Tax Write-Downs.
Apparently there is more money in that than there is in selling me physical media. I’m sure Mickey the Great and Terrible isn’t cool about me Yo-Ho-Hoing it but that was his call.