Yearly Archives - 2023

Disney May ’23 Earnings Call

Iger poured more gas on the fire at the Earnings Call yesterday. He again, strongly indicated that Disney and Reedy Creek were the same entity.He then said, "does Florida want Disney's tax money or not?"Bitch, please!The retard media maybe stupid enough to believe you can just packup Disney World and move it but no one else is that dumb.It would take you decades to rebuild, using billions you can't afford to spend.You can't sell the property you have now except...


The Oversight Board Sues Disney

The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District (formerly Reedy Creek) has filed its own suit against the Walt Disney Company and it has done so in a Florida district court.Disney’s lawsuit “against Ron DeSantis” is a clown show for media retards. There is a very real chance it will get thrown out, the judge will have to be batting heavily for Disney in order for it to get off the ground.  Keep in mind, I’m not dismissing this possibility, you only have...



What is it with the new generation of military analyst weirdos and anime girls?STOP SEXUALLY FETISHIZING WEAPONS PLATFORMS!!!It's unhealthy and it's wrong to want to bang the Bismarck.Everything in this video is largely historically accurate but the anime girl thing has to STOP! In the video, the narrator discusses the decision that was made for Bismarck to continue its mission after the Battle of the Denmark Straits. He admits that from a strategic standpoint, Admiral Lütjens was right.I disagree,...


And Elon Musk Wins the Bidding War Tucker Carlson has begun legal action against Fox. He is claiming that they have violated his contract and that he is no longer under his non-compete clause. I suspect Twitter gives him some wiggle room because technically, he isn't working for a broadcasting company. And he already had the right to put whatever he wanted on his social media accounts.UPDATE: If true that's pretty big. Dominion is largely owned by Blackrock. Blackrock also controls 15.1% of Fox,...


Disney Accomplished This Feat

Wow, this is bad. This article from Deadline is pretending that Guardians of the Galaxy was an amazing stellar mega-hit this weekend instead of an underperformer that probably isn't going to make a profit unless its got one hell of a set of legs on it.From Deadline:"Disney accomplished this feat this AM off a global promotional partnering campaign valued at $90 million."A promotional partnering campaign is when you go to various companies like McDonald's, or Kellogg's, or Walmart Tee-shirts,...


The Dark Herald Recommends Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. III

When you have a niche audience, and you know you have a niche audience there will be concerns about delivering for them.  My audience, for example, expects to read bad reviews about creators they don’t like.  I admit that kind of review is fun to read and effortless to write. But what happens when you are put in the position of delivering a good review on a work that was created by someone you know they detest? What do you do when you...


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Off to A Weak Start

Well it's not in Antman 3 territory, you got to give it that.The third of the Guardians of the Galaxy is tracking to pull in $114 million domestic. Plus an FBO of $168 million for a worldwide total of $282 million.Against a budget of $250 million. Meaning it will have to break 500 million just to cover the production. Pulling a number out of my butt, I will put the promotional budget at an additional $250 million,...


The Black Death and the Birth of the West

Today's post is a "Best of the Dark Herald" REPOST.Cohen the Barbarian: What do you think it means when people invent a  dish like “Pig’s Ear Soup?”Rincewind the Wizzard: It means they are a virtuous, frugal and abstemious people!Cohen the Barbarian: It means someone else filched the rest of the pig!! – Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett. Until 1350 that was pretty much the history of the entire world.A civilization would startup somewhere.  Populations would expand because of the higher standard...


Hard Driveby: Dusk

I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to playing this one.  I suppose I was put off by the graphics. Considering how much I sneer at game reviewers for basing their reviews on the basis of how pretty the game looks, I will willingly take the capital L on this one.I done screwed up.I boned it in the ear for the lousiest of reasons.Also, I was totally wrong about the art design.  The low polygon artwork is one...