Does I Look Like A Sexual Predator to You?

From:"Multiple Spanish-language sites are now reporting that Tenoch Huerta, who starred as Namor the Submariner in Marvel Studios' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever last year, has just been accused of sexual assault by saxophonist María Elena Ríos, who labeled him a "sexual predator" in a series of tweets tonight. Rios initially called out the Poder Prieto collective - of which Huerta has connections to - for publishing a podcast episode that she did not consent to be released as they had not paid her for her...


And Another Thing: The LucasFilm “Sale”

Doomcock hasn't stopped beating this dead horse, so I won't either.The biggest argument against the sale of LucasFilm is simply from a business standpoint.As a fan, I would love to see Star Wars get away from Disney.But as a businessman, if someone came to me with a proposal to buy LucasFilm, I'd kick him out of the office.It really isn't worth that much anymore. Star Wars is significantly brand damaged. And LucasFilm is now stuffed with people who HATE...


Indiana Jones and Box Office Collapse

Holy hopping hippos!This is an abject catastrophe for LucasFilm and Disney. Three weeks out from the launch date and this is the box office projection??$60 Million!?!?!?! The only way the box office projo could be lower is if people are frightened of a terrorist attack. This isn't a prediction of a box office crater, this is a box office journey to the center...


No, George Lucas Is NOT Buying Back Star Wars

I have given up on finishing my post on Outlaw Archetypes tonight. Hopefully, the Sons of Ulysses will go live tomorrow. My current distraction is a rumor that is tearing up the internet that George Lucas is buying back LucasFilm. Truthfully, the only reason I'm addressing this rumor is because it IS so high on the skyline that my opinion is going to be asked anyway so I may as well get it over with. The source of this...


Oh, That’s Sad

Let me state up front that I'm absolutely not into reality shows. I loath the concept of getting a bunch of people together so they can backstab each other. I don't like the fake drama and I intensely dislike the people who willingly show up for these things.However, Fox's new show, Stars on Mars kind of piqued my curiosity.It's a reality show where the contestants are simulating life on a Mars colony. Basically, it's Andy Weir's The Martian but...


Is Iger Selling Pixar to Apple

Gargoyles represent the embarrassing side of the Central Intelligence Corporation. Instead of using laptops, they wear their computers on their bodies, broken up into separate modules that hang on the waist, on the back, on the headset. They serve as human surveillance devices, recording everything that happens around them. Nothing looks stupider; these getups are the modern-day equivalent of the slide-rule scabbard or the calculator pouch on the belt, marking the user as belonging to a class that is at...


Monday Box Office Roundup 6/5/23

Well, the Monday morning box office is almost good news for The Little Mermaid.   The foreign box office came back from the dead on the second weekend. The FBO didn’t decrease, and it is now sitting at $140 million. Domestic on the other hand dropped significantly at 60%, leaving a weekend total of $186 million.  Grand Total so far: $326 million.   Forget what I just said, this is bad news for Disney.  The Lion King (2019) did much better than that on its first weekend.  The Hollywood...


AI Apology

I was laughing when I read the first line.The Lord of the Rings: Gollum isn't just a bad idea for a game. It's a bad game period.2023 is the year that Bethesda's model of "just release a game that is more buggy than an anthill and then patch your way to something playable before the first steam sale," went mainstream.Yes, this is yet another AAA title that was far too underbaked to justify its $60 price tag. I can...


Ratings Terrorism?

Yeah, that's a new one.Unusual description for bad foreign reviews of the new Little Mermaid, wouldn't you say?Now if you are Disney it's a perfectly understandable one. Disney Studios was banking big on this film being a hit of Aladdin and Lion King levels. Instead, it's going to lose money. The foreign box office is absolutely dead for this thing.The Lion King and Aladdin were more or less faithful adaptations of classic, hand-drawn animated films from Disney's 1990s...