Is This Something? – Highlander Reboot
It is reasonable to assume that John Wick director’s Highlander reboot just vaulted out of development hell.
Henry Cavill is in.
Any ideas who should play the Kurgen?
It is reasonable to assume that John Wick director’s Highlander reboot just vaulted out of development hell.
Henry Cavill is in.
Any ideas who should play the Kurgen?
REPOSTED I was way too busy to do any kind of post today. Here is an oldie that has the... read more
The savior of Doctor Who has come up with a retcon that rivals the Timeless Child. Aside from keeping... read more
Post what you like so long as it is pop culture-related.All others will be deleted.******************************Legendary Films has had enough of... read more
The Rings of Power pitch meeting"I shan't call it the end, till we've cleared up the mess." - Samwise GamgeeI... read more
I knew it was going to be bad but I didn’t think it could be this bad.Between the years of... read more
Final numbers are in for The Batman’s theatrical run. Well, technically it’s still in the theaters but since it has started... read more
You know the rules by now. If you don't then ask one of my regular Darklings in the comments.Not... read more
There hasn’t been much in the way of big stories but there have been some little ones I haven’t covered... read more
Question: How does a company stay in business for a century?Answer: By attracting a new generation of customers every time... read more