Monthly Archives - April 2021

The Dark Herald’s Top 5 Asteroid Movies

For no reason whatsoever… …I have decided, completely out of the blue, to do an Asteroid movie listicle.   Planet Impact films are a subgenre of disaster flicks.   These stories have been around for a while.  Arguably H.G. Welles’ War of the Worlds was the first novel to use it as a device.  And while it occasionally showed up as a motif here and there, the genre didn’t really find its footing until the impact theory of dinosaur extinction became popularly known.  That was when people first became...


Blogs and Ends 4/7/21 – The Humpday Dump

We got trailers today.  They suck and we got’em.  FIRST  The Star Trek teasers.   I told you they sucked. CBS All Access has officially failed. You can tell that it failed because Paramount has now buckled down, took an unflinching at their many mistakes, then went back to square one. And gave the streaming service a much needed completely, completely… …different name. It’s now Paramount Plus.  So, as you can see it’s also a very original completely different name.  And they are repeating the same mistakes that they had to...


Disney’s Jungle Cruise Power of Woke (Part Two)

Ah, the Jungle.  Greenery so dense you can’t see a foot beyond your eyes. The air is thick, hot, redolent, and sultry, it reeks of wet mold and rotted vegetation.  Anything that brushes up against your leg sends a spidery tingle of alarm over your entire body.  You don’t need to see the eyes to know that you are being watched, you can feel them all over you.  The sounds are…well believe or not they, are exactly what you heard in the old jungle...


New Gods Film Canceled

The success of the Snyder Cut has come with an unexpected casualty. The cancelation of the New Gods movie for Warner Brothers.   They did put out a statement as to why but since it’s from Sarnoff and Hamada you know it has to be bullshit. The real reason New Gods got the axe was office politics.  Dark Sied, De Saad, and Granny Goodness were all prominently featured in Zach Snyder’s Justice League, as well the planet Apokolips itself. And Hamada and company have decreed...