Clobberin’ Crowdfund Comics – 10/31/20

Happy Halloween, true believers! Jolly Jon Del Arroz here to let you know about exciting news in the world of indie comics and recommend a few books which caught my eye. Napalm Brothers Issue #2Written and drawn by Sixth Scale Combat, Napalm Brothers takes you to a bizarre world with action-packed fun from the perspective of a Vietnam veteran. With radical new style, Naplam Brothers tells one of the strangest stories of 2020! Titan: Mouse of Might...


Warner Media Sells Crunchy Roll

Sony just became the Anime monopoly. *It’s not quite in stone yet but it’s close.  According to Nikkei; Warner Media’s asking price of $957 billion has been agreed to by Sony.  which is roughly the amount that Sony’s, Demon Slayer movie has grossed at the box-office.  COVID hasn’t been a disaster for everyone.BackgroundCrunchy Roll was founded in 2006 in San Francisco.  It’s headquarters still there…for the moment.I can't imagine what this "office space" must cost in San Francisco. But I doubt if Sony will...


Disney Tears the Heart out of Disney World

REPOST: Originally posted 10/30/2020The Disney Difference.  That was always the big selling point. That was what made Disneyland better than county carnivals of the 1950s. “Plusing it,” was the term Walt Disney used to describe how his theme park would always go that extra 10%. “Good enough” was never good enough for Walt Disney.  His goal was the unattainable goal of perfection.  That constant pressure to make everything that was great just a little bit better was what made the Disney Difference. This drive attracted...


DC Comics Limits Distribution

DC is now down to one distributor. Lunar is it for the foreseeable future and there isn’t a lot of future to foresee with DC Comics.  USC was initially reported as having been dropped by DC Comics, but it turns out that was USC that dropped DC.Very quick recap, up until April of this year Diamond had 100% distribution for comics shops.  There were a number of reasons for this but one of the biggest is that no one wanted to muscle...


The Dark Herald Recommends Over The Moon

...Some things need to hurt.I am NOT about to cry.  I am far too old to cry for a kid’s movie.  It’s too early is all.  I don’t have enough bile in my system yet, that’s all.  A couple of Biden commercials should fix me right up... A year ago, I went firmly on the record as stating with perfect conviction that Netflix was the strong horse with a weak chest in Streaming Wars Sweepstakes. And that Disney was going to be the winner in...


Popculture Deathcart: Streaming Wars Casualties

Man down!We have a fatality in the Streaming Wars.  Quibi is shuttering operations.Unfallen Darklings: What the fuck is Quibi?TDH: A good question.  And sadly, one that Quibi never actually had an answer to.  Although it did have other things.It certainly had lots of investors; Disney, Warner, Paramount (but NOT, it should be noted, Netflix).It had 1990s Disney wunderkind Jeffrey Katzenberg in charge.And it had original contentBut like I said, it didn’t really have an answer to the question, what is Quibi?   It is (or rather...


Yeah…It’s Gonna Suck: Hulu’s M.O.D.O.K

MODOK, is one of Marvel’s better supervillains. Generally speaking, a comic book supervillain falls into one of two archetypes. The Brawn.  This guy is the muscle, and muscle is about all that he brings to the party. The Brawn is characterized by low intelligence and is very much a creature of the id.  He is driven by his baser desires.  And is as quick to anger as he is to drooling lust. He doesn’t eat, he gorges. He doesn’t drink, he gets drunk.  His typical...


Dragonlance Creators Suing Wizards of the Coast for Breach of Contract

Well, here’s a shock.  Wizards of the Coast is making Dungeons and Dragons even worse.  In their unending quest to make D&D more Portland friendly, WotC has decided to piss away one of their crown jewels.And they have done so in an almost startlingly incompetent manner.Now for those of you who are too young to remember, set your way-back-machine to the good ole days when Dungeons and Dragons was owned by a company that actually took care of its franchises.  By the mid-1980s...


Castalia Deluxe update 3/5

Book 01 (NOV/DEC) THE MISSIONARIES by Owen Stanley is being bound. The books are anticipated to be shipped the week of March 23-27. The Library print run is 500.Book 02 (JAN/FEB) THE MEDITATIONS by Marcus Aurelius is being printed. The books are anticipated to be shipped in April. The Library print run is 650. Book 03 (MAR/APR) AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND by John C. Wright is being laid out and the interior illustrations are being prepared. The print run...


The Dark Herald Recommends: The Highwaymen

Note: My wrist is messed up right now so I had "write" this use dictation software so I apologize for any out place words you ran into and purple table dog liquefy.In the late 1920s an unthinkable disaster befell the Ford Motor Company.GM out sold them. You see, the company's founder Henry Ford, had a problem, one shared by many inventors of that period, (Edison among them). Once he had invented something, he viewed it as perfection incarnate. No further improvements...