Monthly Archives - June 2024

Andrew Stanton Returning to Pixar

Even the most glorious reign must end one day.  Disney’s legendary eighteen month long bombing run finally came to an end with Inside Out 2. After a five year drought and in a year with almost no releases; a low risk sequel to a successful kids movie that Bob Chapek greenlit, has pulled in $295 million in its opening weekend. Inspired by his predecessor’s success, Bob Iger has announced that Andrew Stanton will be directing Toy Story 5 for 2026. Barely. ...


Book Discussion: The Last Closet by Moira Greyland

Carnage  Again I sing my cheerful song What can I control today I’ll sort the books, I’ll file the files Pretend that nothing’s wrong But then my bubble bursts My illusion of contented control disappears And I dissolve in tears Confusion and helpless rage But still I sort, still I file Cheeks wet and makeup streaming My friends wondering why I act so oddly Strangely knowing better than I do that it’s time for me to rest Once in awhile I do I tell myself “it’s done, I’m better, I won’t...


Disney+ Is Now in Sixth Place Bob Iger's obsessions have destroyed The Walt Disney Company. When he worked for Roone Arledge at ABC sports, he gained a workman like knowledge of story telling. He learned the basics of story structure and drama. I can't deny he had his successes. During the 1988 Winter Olympics, he saved the network's bacon when an unexpected thaw cancelled a huge number of big events. He was able to find all kinds of dramatic stories among the...


Star Wars Has Its Timeless Child

Who works for the LucasFilm Story Group* If you want a worrying laugh, dig up “Internal Family Systems.”  It’s new psychiatric therapy method where the shrink tries to get the patient to “Talk to their inner voices.”  The brain docs became quietly concerned when they started passing their notes to each other and discovered that quite of few of their patients said that their inner voices were demons.  And they didn’t want to leave. I bring this up because it seems that...


Is Star Citizen a Scam?

Star Citizen has crossed the $700 million mark in crowdfunding. After better than a decade and people are still giving this project money. In fact it has ardent fans who climb up into your underwear and beat you about the head shoulders with a baseball bat for daring to question whether this will ever be finished. This is absolutely astonishing to me.   The game first started life in 2009.  Think about that for a second.  When this game started...


Disney Deathcart Roundup

FIRST Disney has declared with totally conviction that the Acolyte is the biggest launch of 2024 on Disney +, bringing home an awesome and amazing overnight score of 4.8 million views. That’s incredibly sad.  When any studio makes these best launch ever claims, (but with one or two qualifiers) you know they are unhappy with the performance and need to cover it up somehow. Star Wars Ashoka had first week score of 14 million viewers in its first week.  This is clearly expected...


Appendix N Heroes: Fafhrd and Gray Mouser

Each discerned something inexplicably familiar in the other. Fafhrd said, “Our motives for being here seem to be identical.”  “Seem? Surely must be!” the Mouser answered curtly, fiercely eyeing this potential new foe, who was taller by a head than the tall thief.  “You said?”  “I said, ‘Seem? Surely must be!’”  “How civilized of you!” Fafhrd commented in pleased tones.  “Civilized?” the Mouser demanded suspiciously, gripping his dirk tighter.  “To care, in the eye of action, exactly what’s said,” Fafrd explained. Without letting the Mouser out...


Harddrive-by: Mullet Bear God

Sorry I couldn't come up with a better title. I tried. You are getting a triple header tonight because none of these games provided me with enough material for a single post on their own. FIRST Mullet Mad Jack.   I'LL SAVE YOU PRISS!!! Mullet Mad Jack is a single-player rogue-like FPS.  It is also a glorious love letter to 1990s Anime OAVs. The colors, the huge red car, the green-haired anime girl with a sweater that leaves her shoulders exposed. It’s all...


Star Wars The Acolyte: First Impressions

Okay, I now know why they launched this thing during Pride month.  It was no happy coincidence that the gayest Star Wars ever was let loose in the wild during June. This review will cover the first three episodes of the Acolyte. The first two were available for streaming last night and the third was made available to me by means I’m not going to discuss in public.  I’ll start with the third episode because the first two are overloaded with mystery...


Tianna’s Open Sewer Experience

The most popular ride at any of the Disney parks was hands down Splash Mountain. A project that started life when Michael Eisner brought his son with him to Imgineering.  The elder Eisner wanted Disney Parks to start having appeal for the for the Tweener to Young Adult market.  Breck Eisner fell head over heels for a mock up of flume ride that Imagineering had created for something else but then shelved because of budget considerations.  Disney was about to put...