Hump Day Dump 6/26/24

I was counting on the new James O’Keefe leak to provide me with material tonight. I’m afraid he let me down in a pretty serious way. The Indian guy O’Keefe nailed is so low-level he may as well have been interviewing a gate guard at Disneyland. My typical reader has a more knowledgeable opinion about Disney’s leadership than “Steve from Tech Support” here.
I guarantee this dude is too low-level to have an NDA. If he hadn’t been dumb enough to accuse the CEO of his company of corruption, he might have survived this. There is nothing he said that isn’t already public knowledge or is just outright inaccurate.
O’Keefe’s people didn’t do a lot of background checking either. The series he mentioned was called Death and Other Details, not Debt and Other Details.
This Hindustani seems very resentful about the fact that Hollywood isn’t run by his people like Silicon Valley is. Instead, it’s been run by the descendants of the same Jews who, honestly, set up Hollywood for their own benefit. Sorry, if they won’t step aside for you like the guys that run Google did.
I was hoping that O’Keefe was going to provide some receipts for something a lot more interesting and he just didn’t deliver.
Last night’s Acolyte didn’t provide me with much either. It was the best of the series so far. Two of the diverse characters were killed by Darth Gimp. Jecki and Jedi Twink, if I cared for either of them I might have felt something warmer than indifference. Darth Gimp wasn’t either of the mothers, it was Dollar Store Discount Asian Ezra Miller from the Apothecary shop. Which is the kind of disappointment I’ve come to expect from this show.
On the other hand, JLongbone had a lot of phone dragging Amandla Stenberg for her music video and holds forth on what she calls “The Malleable Mullato.”
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