Monthly Archives - May 2024

The Fall of Valve

When the Sweet Baby Inc. story broke and the list of clients that have self immolated with their assistance was first published the only one that gave me a truly sinking feeling was Valve. When Larry Fink and his buddies first noticed that video games were a thing during the lockdown, they began their usual tactic of taking over an industry by buying fifteen percent of it, I really didn't care that much about most of them. 2K, Ubisoft...


Why Did the Star Wars Hotel Fail? (Part 3)

Why did the star wars hotel fail part 3 The live action role playing was at the heart of the now late Star Wars Hotel.  Disney Marketing’s peculiar attempts at distracting people from this notwithstanding, this really was the point and purpose of the experience, everything else like the lightsaber training and Sabac tournaments was just window dressing.  The LARP concept was interesting. It was a hybrid of live NPC actors providing key engagement moments and live action cutscenes as rewards for...


Batman 1919

I scribbled this down right after my knee surgery, when I was stuck being awake at nights because of the pain anyway. I tend to write fragments when I'm trying to get the feel for a project. I had no intention of doing anything with this. I am mostly posting this oddity because I ran out time yesterday. Written as a popular history of Batman covering 1919-1939   ******************** I’m telling you Bruce Wayne is a once in a century...


Why Did the Star Wars Hotel Fail (Part 2)

In part 1 we took a look at the marketing failure of the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser.  People had absolutely no idea what the Star Wars Hotel was going to be, which was a LARPing experience, Disney Marketing had no idea how to sell that. So they didn’t.  Even the name was wrong. It was too long, too convoluted, and told you nothing about it.  Remember when Disney would name stuff Frontierland or Space Mountain?  Back then the attraction had a...


The Dark Herald Recommends Ford Vs Ferrari

Nothing pisses me off more than coming in Second. If I take third place, I’m still unhappy but I’m also calm and resigned. Show, was clearly going to happen long before I got to the end.  The game didn’t develop right.  I threw the dice on a play that didn’t work out.  The opportunity to pull ahead was never there.  Plain old bad luck is a genuine factor.  Like I said, unhappy but calm and resigned. I knew what was coming. Second place leaves me seething.  I...


Marvel’s Endgame?

Maybe. Marvel Comics hasn't turned a profit for a long time. Even during the 1970s the primary means of profit for those companies was in merchandising and media sales. The comics themsleves became something of a loss leader. Still it was a good idea to keep the losses as low as possible and that meant telling good and engaging stories. It wasn't the worst business model in the world. DC got snatched up by Warner, more or less by accident as part of merger package....


Why Did the Star Wars Hotel Fail? (Part One)

When the Walt Disney Company finally collapses and its various parts are cut off and auctioned away, people will be asking, “When did its fall begin?” That’s an easy question with an extremely complex answer.  It’s like answering, “When did Rome fall?” With 476AD.  It’s accurate so far as it goes but doesn’t begin to tell the whole story. The accurate so far as it goes answer to the question of “When did Disney’s fall begin?” Will probably be the opening of...


We Was Samurai

This has literally been presented as proof “When Cleopatra was forced to commit suicide for being a black woman when she was supposed to be Yugoslavian, her eldest son and heir Black Caesar fled to the Far East where he settled in Nippon which had been colonized by black people after the Fall of Atlantis, these were the original Japanese. Who were then driven out of Japan by racist Polynesians. They fled to Mozambique, where they fiercely maintained their Samurai traditions. ...


Marvel Is Going to Concentrate on Quality 

No, I couldn’t keep a straight face when I wrote that.  They could play numbers games with the other Marvel movies. Most people are Tinsel Town math innumerate and can be told the budget for Antman 3 was $200 million (*snort* yeah, right!) and it pulled in $460 million at the box office, so it made $260 million in profit.   Assuming Marvel wasn’t lying about the budget and they were, it lost at least $100 million at a minimum. But low information...


Trailer Drop Thursday: The Return of the Rangz

FIRST Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 I've got three trailers for you today and for once I was looking forward to seeing all three. Granted, I was only looking forward to this first one in the same way you look forward to a root canal. You know it's going to hurt and you just want to get it over with. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power was honestly kind of impressive in that it got every… single… thing… wrong....