Monthly Archives - January 2024

Nelson Peltz Blocked from the Disney Board?

Bad news my Darklings.  Iger has probably blocked Nelson Peltz and James Rasulu from getting on the Disney Board of Directors, at least for this year.When ValueAct threw its hat in the ring, I had said at the time that Mason Morfit was going to be backing Bob Iger’s play.  I was right.Iger has also recruited Blackwells Captial’s CIO Jason Aintabi into his camp.  Take note: This is not Black Rock or Black Stone, this is yet another finance...


Streaming Wars Cannibalism 

Five years ago I wrote an article called “Begun the Streaming Wars Have” (Baby Yoda was a big thing at the time).  I made some observations as well as some projections, prognostications, and predictions.I looked it up because I was a little curious as to how well my guesswork had stacked up against history.  It turns out I did surprisingly well, I only had one real goof and that was due to a drastic change in circumstance.“I started on Netflix...


Disney Eats Its Own Seed Corn

Question: How does a company stay in business for a century?Answer: By attracting a new generation of customers every time a new generation comes along.Sure, you can make lots of noises about consistent standards of quality, and high customer satisfaction but at the end of the day, if you stop attracting new generations of customers, you will be joining the ranks of the Pullman Railroad Cars Company and Blockbuster Video.This is unbelievably important.  Now sometimes it can’t be helped. Pullman...


Freeeeeee At Last!!!

As of today Mickey Mouse is in the Public Domain! I realize all you super smarty smart boys are rushing to your keyboards to explain in Gamma autistic detail that it's only the very first iteration of Mickey who has made it over the wall. And thanks to Disney using the opening notes of Steamboat Willie as a movie opener for the past fifteen years, that iteration is throughly trademarked.Bugger off!The fact that Disney wasn't able to prevent any part...