Yearly Archives - 2023

Dune Part II Trailer

We now have a trailer for Dune Part II.We will now see if Timothee Chalamet can carry a movie without Oscar Issac because the truth is that the first movie was carried by him. Chalamet didn't really have a chance to shine but now he will have to.Since there is almost no effort by American movies to make anything daring anymore, I am honestly hoping Dune will do well at the box office. Here are some links to previous...


The Dark Herald Recommends Disney’s Peter Pan and Wendy

Disney’s latest live-action remake is the greatest version of Peter Pan ever!Having spent a second sleepless night strung out on muscle relaxants and pain relievers, and a day in clown-room therapy has opened my eyes to the wonder, glory, and beauty of Disney’s live-action remakes.  The inversion of what some would call a classic and timeless story for children has been subverted and reimagined into a stunning and brave exploration into the darkest recesses of the human mind imaginable.The story begins...


My Apprehensions May Have Been Justified

Last week I briefly went over some of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 fundamental problems. Well, the review embargo has been lifted and the reviews are looking very weak.And the scores are dropping. Moreover, these are the kind of reviews where the critic says just enough good things about the movie to just qualify the review as positive, before going into all the reasons it's a bad movie. "Gunn does a sturdy job of synthesizing...


The Dueling Disney Lawsuits

This is the first of what will be several posts on the subject of the Disney/Florida lawsuits.There are two big questions hanging over this lawsuit by Disney.  Has there been a 1st amendment violation by Ron DeSantis against the Walt Disney Company? And if there has been, is Disney guilty of securities fraud?The answer to the first question is “no,” because Ron DeSantis didn’t pass the law disbanding Reedy Creek that was the Florida legislature (DeSantis was only named in the lawsuit...


Comics Are the Foundation of Civilization.

REPOST 4/28/2023 For our second anniversary here at Arkhaven, I decided to repost the article I ran the day before we launched two years ago. Yes, the title was slightly hyperbolic but I made my case for it. And we at Arkhaven have a mission to preserve civilization to the extent that we can. Yes, the snooty like to look down their noses at pop culture but I assure you, when thee opera started it was basically a...


Guardians of the Galaxy’s Fundamental Problem

Aside from that posterJames Gunn has a major problem to overcome with Guardians of the Galaxy. His characters have fundamental issues inflicted on them by other movies and his actors desires to cut ties with Disney/Marvel.The original Guardians of the Galaxy were a classic five-man band.Leader - Quill, the guy whose story this is.Rival- Gamora, equal of the hero and could be the leader in her own right but will follow Quill out of respect.Tank- Drax, The muscle. Usually...


Blogs and Ends: Hump Day Dump

Tucker Carlson rumorsNormally I wouldn't go with these but at the moment nobody is talking so everything is on the table.As for the motives for his firing, I'm not certain we'll ever know for certain. I think it was a lot of pressure on Fox from both the Deep State and major leftwing VC firms. Black Rock was forced to report that they now had 15.1% ownership of Fox. That is enough for Black Rock to put significant...


RE:Play X-Com UFO Defense

The Unknown is at the heart of what makes the Alien frightening. Perhaps the motives can be guessed at from actions taken but can they ever really be understood?  The Alien lends itself to mystery by its very nature, and mystery is the gateway to horror.  Cosmic Horror not only plays into the natural fear that the alien will generate but creates the concomitant terror of the laws of the universe being useless to protect you becasue you didn’t understand those laws...


Fox Announces Its Replacement for Tucker

The actual news has seriously invaded the pop culture news space today.You all know the news by now. Tucker Carlson is out at Fox and it looks like a firing. Fox has fired the only reason that anyone watches Fox. The rest of the day is going to be spent on speculation as to why he's gone and where he's going. This is honestly good news for me as I'm badly out of it today. I...


Arktoons Spotlight: Right Ho Jeeves

Remember, the firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord. - Fahrenheit 451Arkhaven has moved from simply a successful business venture to an imperative necessity for the preservation of Western civilization. I wish that was just hyperbole. I really do.But it's not.From the Daily Mail:The comic novels have been edited for new editions by Penguin* Random House, as well as trigger warnings added to warn readers of ‘outdated’ themes.In the Wodehouse books, one warning said the prose had...